our story

Thank you for your interest in learning more about us! Influenced by growing up in a rural area, nature has always been in my heart. My passion for the environment has continued to grow watching our 2-year-old daughter fall deeply in love with the ocean, especially with whales and sharks. By exploring the topic of the ocean as a family, we started to become more aware of the plastic crisis that is threatening wildlife, spreading toxins and contributing to global warming. 

Since the time my daughters were born, I felt scared to put any conventional personal products on them (or use cleaners that made even me dizzy) as I was aware that they might contain harmful chemicals. I became more mindful of everyday choices, however it was overwhelming to source adequate sustainable products. I researched for hours before buying a natural body wash. Than after all that effort, it arrived wrapped in unrecyclable plastics and other unnecessary packaging. The body wash was good for my family but what about the environment? What will happen to the plastic bottle when we are finished with it? I wished for a local store I could go to find natural sustainable products – that's how Fill Happy was born.

My mission is to help you find sustainable natural products for personal hygiene and household cleaning. Together we can protect the environment and make a better future by using affordable, sustainable products that are easy to purchase and use.

Fill Happy is a judgment-free marketplace. I believe we don't need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly. Each of us has the power of voting thru purchasing. Every small choice adds up to a significant difference. Allow me to extend an invitation to join us in making small steps to support more sustainable products, one purchase at a time.

Did you know plastic takes more than 400 years to degrade? More than 40 percent of plastic is used only once before it is thrown away. At FILL HAPPY we are focused on helping you achieve a low impact lifestyle by making easy eco-friendly swaps that are SAFE for YOU and the PLANET. We are here to help you reduce waste by allowing refills for products that you are already using, instead of purchasing them in new plastic containers. We wish for you to feel happy while shopping with us as we feel happiness and a smile are key ingredients in saving the planet. I can’t wait to see how many plastic bottles we can keep out of landfills together.

With gratitude,
