our story

Thank you for your interest in learning more about us! Nature has always been in my heart, growing up in a rural area surrounded by wildlife. But it wasn’t until my daughter became fascinated with the ocean—and especially with whales and sharks—that I truly realized the extent of the plastic crisis we’re facing. Exploring the topic of the ocean as a family, we became more and more aware of how plastic is threatening wildlife, spreading toxins, and contributing to global warming.

As a mother, I’ve always been concerned about the products I use for my family. I was scared to put conventional personal products on my kids (or use cleaners that even made me dizzy) because I knew they could contain harmful chemicals. I became more mindful of everyday choices, but it was overwhelming to source sustainable alternatives. After hours of research, I would find natural body washes or cleaning products—only for them to arrive wrapped in unrecyclable plastics and excess packaging.

I loved the product, but what about the environment? What happens to that plastic bottle once it’s used? That’s when the idea for Fill Happy was born: I wanted to create a local store where people could easily find natural, sustainable products that don’t harm the planet.

our mission

To inspire positive change by providing a pleasant and convenient way to shop for high-quality body and home products—without the single-use plastic waste. We’re also dedicated to diverting organic waste from landfills through composting, making every step of your shopping experience better for you and the planet.

Fill Happy is a judgment-free marketplace.
We believe it’s not about a few people doing zero waste perfectly, but millions of people making small, imperfect changes. Every choice we make—no matter how small—has the power to make a big impact. We have the power to contribute to a better, more sustainable future through our purchases. Join us in making meaningful changes and supporting eco-friendly products that benefit both you and the planet.

did you know?

Did you know that of the seven billion tonnes of plastic waste generated globally, less than 10 percent has been recycled? The majority of plastic is landfilled, incinerated, or ends up in the environment. The good news is that we provide the most innovative, plastic-free alternatives that are both easy to use and purchase—supporting your sustainability goals. Fill Happy Bar offers wasteless refills for everyday products you already use, instead of buying them in new plastic containers.

We want you to feel good while shopping with us—because happiness and smiles are key ingredients in saving the planet. I can’t wait to see how many plastic bottles and how much organic waste we can keep out of landfills together.

With gratitude,
