We are passionate about keeping biodegradable waste in the circle of our community. In order to maintain and contribute to this circular economy, we need your help! We believe composting is a great way to get involved! Composting gives your food scraps a second life and shockingly reduces your waste.
Every TUESDAY (8am-6pm) - now accepting new customers
Every WEDNESDAY (8am-6pm) - now accepting new customers
Every THURSDAY (8am-6pm) - now accepting new customers
We will contact you with your pick up day after you sign up.
*Our service area is Greater Williamsburg - within 12 miles radius from Colonial Williamsburg (Williamsburg, James City County, Toano, Norge, some of York County).
What you get/
- One or Two Square 4-Gallon Green Plastic Bucket with a Lid
- No initiation fee
- No contract (month to month)
- Weekly pick up (8am-6pm)
- A new certified compostable bag into your bin after each pick up
- FREE finished COMPOST twice a year - 1 refillable bag of 40 lbs -distribution is in January and July (minimum of 3 months membership required) - optional
- Those of you who want to live a greener, more conscious life but need convenience - we come to your HOME (house or apartment), OFFICE or your SMALL BUSINESS
- Those of you who want to achieve greater impact and compost more than can break down in your backyard/apartment compost
- Flowers/Plants Trimmings
- Coffee grounds and filters
- Pan scrapings + leftovers
- Nut shells
- Diary, Egg shells
- Fill Happy compostable brushes
- Loose tea, certified compostable tea bags
- Outdated and reject vegetables + fruits and bread
- Pizza boxes (or other soaked cardboard pieces)
- Toilet paper rolls, shredded paper
- 100% cotton fabric scraps
- Paper napkins
- BPI Certified compostable plastic products
- Paper plates + cups (without plastic coating)
- Meat and bones (cooked and uncooked)
- Produce stickers
- Liquids and chemicals
- Synthetic inorganic materials
- Rubber gloves and protective wear
- Glass
- Metal
- Styrofoam
- Plastic bags, wrap of film
- Plastic bottles
- Plastic cups
- Plastic plates or utensils
- Plastic straws
- Condiment packets
- Coffee creamer packets
- Cup lids
- Diapers
- Human waste, pet waste and litter
- Dryer lint
* If you are W&M student, please contact us for a student rate.
** We are licensed for this service.